Tag: Partition

  • Simple Table and Index Breakdown With Buffered

    This script builds on the Simple Table and Index script to further show the buffered metrics. This script will give you a simple breakdown of your tables and indexes, which is shown with schema(s),table(s),index type(s),row count(s) as well as the partition(s) information. This is a reduced version of the “Detailed Table and Index Breakdown With…

  • Detailed Table Index Breakdown With Buffered

    This script builds on the Detailed Table and Index script to further show the buffered metrics. This script will give you a comprehensive breakdown of your tables and indexes, which is shown with schema(s),table(s),index type(s),index size(s),row count(s) as well as the filegroup(s) and partition(s) information. Also in this script I have included two columns called…

  • Simple Table and Index Breakdown

    This script provides a breakdown with row count and partition information of tables and indexes. It is in essence merely a cut down version of the final Detailed Table and Index Breakdown script. http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Simple-Table-and-Index-61f93894

  • Detailed Table and Index Breakdown

    When I need to get a detailed overview of my database objects there are a number of scripts that I have written or adapted with varying degrees of depth. Primarily I wrote these scripts as a way to determine rough rowcounts,database and data/index sizes, but as I went I added more and more bits of information.…