Well I failed the MCM Lab exam which I spoke about last time.
The results came in 3 weeks so nice and quick.
In a few ways I am happy I failed as I didn’t feel like I deserved to pass on this attempt as my answers were not up to my own standard.
Plus if it were easy everyone would have an MCM, and I can honestly say all the people that I have met or spoken to who hold this certification certainly know their stuff.
I made some silly errors, which is annoying but was reasonably happy with the attempt.
I think if I am honest it was not the difficulty of the exam that I found most problematic, but an incorrect assumption of its content and what it is designed to test.
The experience has given me the areas needed to improve and with a bit of targeted revision I am confident it is an exam I could pass.
I am sorry if this post is a bit of a ramble I just wanted to make sure I wrote my initial thoughts down.
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